Reviews and Testimonials


Passionate & inspired guitar playing are the two words that came to mind while listening to Rosario’s second CD titled “Intuition”, that beautifully brings together the diverse styles, Mediterranean, classical & folk. While there are many technically proficient guitarists, it is those who play with warmth & expressiveness that set themselves apart. With “Intuition”, Rosario has recorded a truly distinctive CD that clearly establishes him as a member of the upper echelon of creative guitarists.” Norman Beberman,

“I love the mellowness of the album with all its various fusions of flamenco, classical and folk … The finger/fretwork is excellent!”
(Tony Bates, 3WBC FM)

“Those who enjoy guitar music that flows like a cooling stream over the soul should hear this session … This music relaxes the listener and enhances immediate pleasures no matter how passive.”
(Michael Foster, Canberra Times)

“Rosario takes you from breath to life to wonder in this guitar album. He caresses the classical so well it speaks greatly, and tells of his own styling … Rosario’s guitar sang the way I like guitars to sing.”  (Bill Freeland, Maverick USA)

“El calor musical de los paisajes mediterr·neos se cuela por cada rendija del nuevo ·lbum de Rosario De Marco, guitarrista y compositor italiano que re˙ne aquÌ doce piezas para guitarra llenas de pasiÛn y romanticismo que toman elementos del flamenco, el jazz, la cl·sica y el folk.

Un disco rotundo en su amabilidad y uniforme en su calidad narrativa que te recordar· en muchos momentos al John Williams de Sky.” Rafa DORADO (margen Audio Magazine #25)

“Perhaps as well known in Italy, guitarist Rosario De Marco, has recently released a most relaxed and highly enjoyable CD on the Move Records Label. Rosario proves himself to be not only a more than capable guitarist, but also a fine composer of these lightly jazz influenced world music originals. The CD was recorded between April and May 2001, at the Move Records studios Eaglemont, Victoria, Australia.

Rosario is featured exclusively on acoustic nylon string guitar through out the recording.  On many tracks he multi-layers his guitar parts to arouse and maintain the interest of the listener while he weaves his aural web of Mediterranean influenced music. He achieves this by freely mixing diverse elements – the tonalities of flamenco music, the textures of classical music, the melodic nature of folk music, the improvisation of jazz and the rhythms of modern popular music – into one seemingly complete whole.

The gentle solo guitar of the all too brief “Alberi” (Trees)  begins the CD. This is followed by the multi-tracked Mediterranean inspired “U.W.M.” (United World Music).

The title track “Intuition” begins with gentle vocalisations which move into the gentle yet haunting multi-tracked main theme of “Blu” (Blue).  The briefer “Sky” with its looser rhythms prepares the listener for the more popular rhythms and harmonic structures of the successive tunes “Sunday” and “Dance”. The use of harmonics, captures the ear for the more meditative and searching nature of “Dune”. “Chi te Manne” (Who brings you here?) returns to the use of multi-tracked recording techniques. The solo performance of the searching, thoughtful “In te” (Within you) contrasts with the more rhythmic floating 6/8 feel of  “Honduras”. The final selection “Yellow” freely mixes all Rosario’s influences into one comprehensive whole to bring the CD to a satisfying conclusion.

Beautifully recorded, with pristine clarity which underlines the delicate nature of this music. If you enjoy music that is quiet, delicate and reflective then this is certainly the recording for you.  More information on Rosario De Marco and this recording can be found on hid website  “ Reviewed by Greg Fisher for “Jazz Views”

“Rosario De Marco’s album Light and Shadows was recorded in Italy, and released in Australia at the turn of the millennium. Mostly acoustic guitar, with some subtle percussions and keyboard, it is a tribute to Mediterranean folk-derived music. However, it is far more than this. The music is scattered with tiny clashes that create moments of modal ambiguity – repetitive, but with subtly introduced variation. And exemplar of this is the track U.W.M, which features a repetitive motif on guitar and percussion gradually modulated as the track progresses, but never deviating far from the central theme.
In other tracks such as Honduras, De Marco displays his harmonic sensibility and sophistication. With virtually no melody, nor any gross variation on its pulsating rhythm, De Marco builds a fascinating and elegant harmonic structure. It would be difficult for even the most jaded musical sensibility to become bored with this music. The more ballad-like tracks have a dark, dancing melodic grace reminiscent of Sting’s more latin-informed tracks, such as Fragile.

The music is also notable in that, while it rewards close listening, it is very pleasant as background to food or conversation, although if you have it playing on a warm night while you dine with an intimate friend, be prepared for the subtle stirrings of emotions that might ensue – this music is neither passive nor passionless.

De Marco is a beautiful player. His technical performance is generally superb, without in any way interfering with the passion of the music. In fact, I suspect that the odd fluffed note has been left in because the performance on that particular take was the best overall – an eminently respectable and venerable approach to performance which has regrettably fallen into disuse as the recording process exposes more and more of an artist’s technique. No, De Marco’s quality is easy to sense but hard to define – call it feel, soul or even spirituality. Along with his musical sophistication, this quality lifts his music well above the ruck.

Although De Marco’s music could be described as Mediterranean, it is informed and modified by the European art music tradition. He keeps this influence subtle, creating a music that is eminently listenable (as so much modern European art music is emphatically not) but not coarsely repetitive in a primitive folk sense (as is so much ethnically-derived music).
In summary, the music of an urgent, passionate, romantic and very talented soul.

Other venues and events include: various Performing Arts Centres, Universities, Festivals, Wineries, Art galleries, Libraries, Museums, Book stores, Clubs, live broadcasts for radios such as SBS, ABC, 3AK, 3MBS, Corporate and private functions, Cultural Centres, Town Halls, benefit gigs such as Medicines Sans Frontiers, Amnesty International, TedX Melbourne and TedX Telstra

Spiritual and earthy guitar” Album: Light and shadows By Peter Haydon


Rosario, I listened to your CD “Light and Shadows tonight and got so exited that I had to put on the headphones and listen closely. Given that I’m such a jazz fanatic, the first 2 tracks fascinated me, they are very exciting, very good..  Gradually, the music changed and took on a more Italian folk flavour, which I confirmed when after track 6 I rewinded to the beginning, just to compare.
Then, a change again after “Radici”, which is gentle and dynamic in a different way.

Track 8, “Ali” reminded me very much of “Fragile” (Sting with lead guitar and vocals), and your’s is absolutely beautiful!

Then we notice again a change, a bit more pep, and interesting mix in harmony. The music becomes increasingly intense, I think, and I keep listening with more and more curiosity…what sound, what melody or harmony comes next in this piece????

I can hear Al di Meola in track 12, “Foglie”, but then your own style takes over, which is just lovely, great combination.

And what a wonderful choice of “Finale” for the end of the CD, I really liked that!

Overall, I think your CD holds a variety of music, we get it all, the jazz, the Italian (folk) jazz, modern jazz, and a little bit of poppy jazz.

Given that we buy a CD and expect to have one or two tracks that we REALLY like, yours has exceeded, because I favour at least 5 tracks (especially 1,2, 8, 10, 15,)

This one CD is so good, so harmonious, so well composed and arranged, it’s hard to imagine that the next 10 can exceed, or be better. (Acoustically, perhaps.

Anyway, this is my single unauthorised opinion.


I was there at the museum concert and it was absolutely sublime! I’m glad so many other people thought so too. Thanks for keeping me informed,



When I came to hear you play on Friday night, I was stagnant inside, indifferent …but your  music made me feel again…about the things I have given up in the name of complacency and blandness…suffering had blinded me from “the treasures’ within…but I now know they are still there Let know when you play again so I can relive this “douleur!” A bientot



I’ve just come from experiencing the magical sounds of Rosario De Marco at “Global Sounds at Sunset”. His music, like his instrument, is his heart and soul, and it certainly hit a cord within me. I’d like to thank him and his band for all he offers those that are blessed to be encompassed in his Universal Language. May it spread, open, and connect the hearts and souls of many.

I ask for more information about Rosario and his upcoming performances, and that this may be passed on directly to the Artists. Intuition led me to his performance…. And the gift he gave me was Intuition the album.

Thanks again,


The way we met, was at the international music festival in Clayton’s park last year.I saw and more,heard you play so passionately,that when you finished I approached you to compliment you .You gave me your card and that’s how I heard about you.I also heard your music on the ABC radio /I think/ one day and the speaker mentioned a new album coming up,you are getting popular.Hey,that’s great! Thanks for the pleasure you gave me in performing on that memorable afternoon,


I love it, its very beautiful music and just the sort of relaxing I need.
Thank you and all the best.


Dear Rosario, We were at the Guitar festival and watched your performance.
We congratulate you on combining such different sounds and making them sound so much like they belonged together. Your music gives us an insight of what must be inside your soul, and that is a message of togetherness and oneness. We hope to see you again. Please place us on your mailing list, to keep us informed of when you are performing.
All the best


hello rosario

I am sad tonight stuck out in the suburbs working and unable to attend your concert tonight. I am however thinking of you and really looking forward to as many more performances as i can hear in the future. I really think you have a special band and your compositions are some of the richest, most invigorating, inspiring and emotionally liberating pieces of music many people would have heard in a long time.

I also think your cd is beautiful and wonderfully recorded. congratulations on all this achievement but mostly thank you for sharing so much of yourself with the public ear. we are very lucky.

Please do keep in touch if you have a (e)mailing list you could include me on to inform of any gigs coming up. I wish you the best of luck for all that you do.

Warmest Regards,


Dear Rosario

Just a short note to let you know that I recently purchased your CD light & Shadows and to tell you that I am thoroughly enjoying it  as I am going through a difficult time in my personal life at the moment your music has seemed to reach me on a strangely melancholy level,it has been as soothing as it has been comforting. hanging on!

Thank You


Hi, Rosario, and thanks for the reply. I was wondering if I could somehow get the new CD before Christmas through private purchase, because I simply cannot wait!

Thanks again,


Caro Rosario, sono R. Ti scrivo per ringraziarti dello splendido concerto di mercoledì’ sera. Le tue melodie nascono dalla tua PASSIONE per la musica e ci regalano forti emozioni, ci fanno sentire
BENE, sono forti e positive.L’armonia che hai saputo creare dall’insieme di suoni provenienti da diverse culture e’ intensa e ricca, grandiosa!


Hi… I’m the guy who you met last Friday at your concert. I’m really enjoying your album. It is fantastic. I really like that sound and your performance…

…Your music serves such an amazing purpose and I firmly believe that your music is for the greater good for humanity… E.